M1 魚谷繁礼スタジオ課題 「時間という概念の再考」
M1 Shigenori Uoya Studio Assignment "Rethinking the Concept of Time"
M1 Shigenori Uoya Studio Assignment "Rethinking the Concept of Time"
Drifting Architecture: Kakukyoyama
Drifting Architecture: Kakukyoyama
The Gion Festival in Kyoto is the reason for the changeover from sunny days to mundane days.
This building, which serves as the town hall for the Gion Festival, can be said to be adrift in the flow of time between "fine" and "mundane".
The building can be said to be drifting through the passage of time between fine and mundane.
The building can be said to be drifting through the passage of time between fine and mundane.
By recapturing the time and space of the drifting meeting hall
I attempt to reorganize the architectural space that comes and goes between "fine" and "mundane" by recapturing the time and space of the drifting meeting place.
I attempt to reorganize the architectural space that comes and goes between "fine" and "mundane" by recapturing the time and space of the drifting meeting place.